Kristen Pogozelski
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Class of 2016
  • Shamong, NJ

Kristen Pogozelski of Shamong Named to Dean's List at Lafayette College

2016 Feb 25

Kristen Pogozelski of Shamong has been named to the 2015 fall semester Dean's List at Lafayette College for outstanding academic achievement. To qualify for Dean's List, a student must achieve at least a 3.60 semester grade point average on a scale of 4.0.

Pogozelski is a graduate of Seneca High School.

Lafayette is a top liberal arts college with 2,450 students and 215 full-time faculty that offers a wide variety of undergraduate degree programs including engineering.

With close proximity to New York City and Philadelphia, Lafayette has one of the highest endowment-per-student rates in the nation. This means ample resources to fuel student research, and provide opportunities for study abroad, internships and field work. It means outstanding facilities, Division I sports, and funding for 250 student groups on one of the most beautiful campuses in the country.